blue collar

美 [ˌbluː ˈkɑːlər]英 [ˌbluː ˈkɒlə(r)]
  • 蓝领;蓝领阶级的,工人阶级的
blue collarblue collar
  1. It 's not that they didn 't want me to go , exactly , now that I look back at it , but , just as everything else in high school , there was the major issue of money . My family is very blue collar .


  2. Talk about Blue Collar of Software and Higher Technical Education


  3. A Brief Study on the Effect of Modern Advertising on Blue Collar Culture


  4. A man in blue collar work clothes eyes one of them .


  5. Thinking and Advice of the Training Style of Legal Blue Collar


  6. Chinese salaries may only equal blue collar pay abroad .


  7. For example , blue collar whose job usually requires manual labor .


  8. Or the one with the blue collar ?


  9. In the first stage of China 's development , America 's blue collar workers lost their shirt .


  10. Thus , the word blue collar .


  11. Simple and unaffected house decoration suits the taste of white and Blue collar workers .


  12. Blue collar guy just working in a cubicle .


  13. But Wal-Mart 's main blue collar customers are pulling back more amid a still stagnant job market .


  14. Blue collar whites are America 's angriest people .


  15. Shaping Residential Place for Specific Group : Case Study of the Blue Collar Worker Apartment Group in Tianjin Economic & Technological Development West Area


  16. For instance , are blue collar workers at the university getting paid a decent wage , are they compensated fairly .


  17. The turnover rate of Blue Collar in Manufacturing always sticks at a high level , which gives disadvantageous effect to the development of Chinese manufacturing industry .


  18. The Indian software industry development in short 20 years mainly benefits from its vocational education organization which can raise the massive software blue collar the industrial development needs .


  19. The extension and promotion of higher vocational education have been an important part of our country 's education system and the hatcher of " High Blue Collar " .


  20. The middle age , blue collar profession , low educational level , psychosocial factors , disease and / or operative treatment were correlated with mental problems .


  21. We don 't get to see something special like this very often , particularly from a blue collar group filled with guys just happy to be there .


  22. And if he maintains this kind of lead , or this kind of balance among blue collar whites , he will probably carry these three states .


  23. There were differences detected between blue collar and white collar workers who 'd been fired , laid off or voluntarily left a job , however .


  24. Accepts shakes off is a diligent blue collar player , he is also the type which the franker appreciates .


  25. Besides , Mrs Clinton tried that line in 2008 and lost & and most of the blue collar jobs that had vanished were male .


  26. Is machinist of of of of hard work blue collar after machinist Cheng graduates is Cheng good it is good to still run an institute ?


  27. I worked blue collar jobs during the day and comedy clubs at night , and I was earning about $ 25 a year doing stand-up .


  28. Sophia : I think he has a chip on his shoulder , because his parents are blue collar and he now lives in a white-collar world .


  29. The arrival of hundreds of millions of cheap , diligent Chinese workers in the global economy saw America trade blue collar jobs for low cost t-shirts and toasters .


  30. I instantly set the design topic and target : A series of product for the near future stylistic young city blue collar , functioning and transporting through modern cityscapes .
